How to buy NOCHILL?
- Obtain some AVAX
- Send the AVAX on C-Chain to your Metamask or similar Web3 wallet
- Visit LFJ.gg
- If not already pre-populated, choose AVAX in the top box, and NOCHILL in the bottom. It's under the "Meme" category - or you can copy & paste the contract address: 0xAcFb898Cff266E53278cC0124fC2C7C94C8cB9a5.
- Press Swap! After confirmation, your tokens will be in your wallet
1. What is NOCHILL?
NOCHILL is a token on the Avalanche blockchain. It was launched on December 18, 2023 and a portion of supply was airdropped to users of The Arena. The token can be tipped between users on that platform.
2. There was an airdrop?
Yes! Users that had the OG Gladiator badge in The Arena on December 18, 2023 were eligible to receive the airdrop. To obtain the OG badge, a user needed to maintain a 1.35 AVAX portfolio of tickets on The Arena during the transition period between previous team and current team. A crossed-swords icon appears next to a user’s name in The Arena if they hold this badge.
3. What are NOCHILLIO’s?
nochillio is a project launched by a member of the NOCHILL community. It is the first Remilia derivative on Avalanche. You can learn more here: https://nochill.io
4. Has NOCHILL been in the press?
Yes. See examples at: Avalanche Foundation, Coindesk, and Unchained.
5. What is the NOCHILL meme?
The meme used at launch was related to the StarsArena team. In its first iteration, the platform had a user named “chillpill” that was the communications lead of the project. The communications users received left a lot to be desired. The transition from chillpill’s team to the current one was celebrated by users of The Arena, as it inspired hope that the platform could thrive again one day. NOCHILL memorializes this event - the moment that The Arena no longer had a communications lead called chill (pill). You can see our launch site here: https://nochill.lol/v1/.
That's the official story and we're sticking with it.
6. How do I get a NOCHILL badge in The Arena?
The NOCHILL badge in the Arena is dynamic. It requires a user to first meet the requirements for a nochillio badge.
To obtain a nochillio badge, users must set their profile picture to a nochillio and send the NFT to their Arena wallet. There is a maximum in place for how many users can hold this badge, therefore expect to wait until a spot clears up.
To obtain the NOCHILL badge, users must have the nochillio badge and add a minimum of 500K NOCHILL to their Arena wallet in order to qualify. User behavior on chain influences your chances of obtaining (and holding onto) one.
7. Is there a media / branding kit?
Yes - find it here: Media Kit.